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Druid Hills HOA Meeting 2018

Druid Hills HOA Meeting 2018


MEETING 03-03-2018

Diana Foraci




8:30AM TO 10:20AM

Director Michael Darby speaks

Guests:  Rick Henderson

Alan : Guest

Drew: Guest

Declarant Member Diana Foraci

Druid Hills HOA Meeting 2018, gathering over coffee at Costello’s to discuss issues concerning the co-existence of Druid Hills POA here in the Druid Hills Subdivision, “operating not in good faith”.

Residents of Druid Hills, Kendra and Lars spoke about moving into the Druid Hills, one and a half years ago, and how the Title Co. brought up monies owed and bothered them for a week, for the POA dues, upon closing when buying their property. Kendra and Lars were forced to pay and found the whole thing a form of bullying.  Also, members of the POA walk by their place and point in their direction, this kind of thing happens to many people in this subdivision, so do not be intimidated by the POA

Michael Darby bought up concerns about the wetlands, such as TR B that is Federal Wetlands, under the jurisdiction of the EPA, and the Army Corp. of Engineers needs okay from the EPA.

New business:

A druid hills member contacted the Colorado Springs Water Department about the old water blockhouse and the overflow that goes into Michael Darby’s lot.  The tanks were removed for safety purposes and the land was cleared of the old blockhouse.

Rick Henderson who is connected with the fire department brought up that county commissioner Nordstein might be able to help us with some issues concerning the POA with there agenda to lead us into a gated community is in our opinion, illegal.

Kendra is helping a friend with his things that he promised to come get soon, but it has been a little longer than he intended to leave his things in the Druid Hills Subdivision. David Rusterholtz told Kendra that the POA offered a dumpster to Don Patterson to help with the clean up. Fact is according to Mr. Patterson no dumpster was ever offered by David or the POA.

Michael Darby had a question about who owned the roads in the Druid Hills, Diana answered the county does, and they maintain them out of courtesy since we have so much traffic that goes through here to get to other subdivisions. Darby also intended to talk to the county road officials about the signs the POA have put up on county roads and private lands.

Rick spoke about past fires in our community, a crust forms after a fire that prevents any new growth. Since, the fire department is volunteer; except for national fire department, it is difficult to resolve the problems after fire has devastated the land.

Diana mentioned that she put in a proposal for fire mitigation in our subdivision, but could not get the banks to back half the cost. CUSP landed up getting the grant for fire mitigation then turned the funds over for flood mitigation afterwards.

Alan joined in on the right of our community and that it all came down to supporting our community.

Old business:

Questions were brought up about does the POA pay taxes for the money they collect through force and threats, do they have insurance for TR B.  Diana mentioned that the last sale for TR B was in Jan. 1999, grantor’s Barbar, Troup, Moore, grantee 6Y Outfitters.  6Y Outfitters then gave TR B to DHPOA in 2004 under a quitclaim deed, no money was exchanged. Diana also mentioned some deals, promises were made as part of that swap, to allow there horses to roam on the easements, and bring the fencing less than five feet from the county road. Diana was also told that Vickie and Kem did not have to pay dues ever as part of the deal in the re-write of our covenants. No majority vote was acquired to change our covenants; rather the POA filed their covenants anyway.  Business as usual for the POA, since they never got the majority vote to form in 1985 or any time after that.

Other questions were addressed, as to the legality of the POA, are they defrauding people through the mail for dues and are they voluntary or mandatory?  Diana commented that David Rusterholtz insists they are mandatory as he stated in the Courier 11-4-15 ‘Ours is a mandatory POA set by the developer in the original 1971 covenants,” Rusterholtz said.  This statement is twisting the truth, the developer set in the 1971 covenants that an association could be formed if the majority wanted one, a majority did not want a POA.

The truth is the POA formed without a vote, certainly not a majority to approve of such as association back in 1985. The developer stated, in the covenants that if the majority of people residing in the Druid Hills wanted an association then one could form and all would have to abide by that decision. No majority ever approved such a formation, but this small group of people made it sound as if one had been approved.

Diana also stated that a small group of people habe tried to tell us what to do since the beginning, in my opinion they are nothing less than dictators or tyrants, wanting to rule us all through threats, and bullying. It is a shame that good people have to endure this kind of treatment, they need to be stopped, sign my signature page, please. We are only strong if we band together, peace and happiness to all.

Drew never commented at the meeting.

Expenses: coffee $25.00 covered by our Director

Meeting adjourned 10:20 am



Diana Foraci

About DruidHillsHOA

I'm Diana Foraci, a resident of the Druid Hills located in Florissant Colorado. I'm the owner of this site, representing the Druid Hills HomeOwners Association which represents this community in Good Faith, with Honor and Integrity.

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