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Homeowners groups & dictatorship

Homeowners groups and dictatorship, savvy power-and-money-seeking developers,who are in cahoots with local government officials and state legislators all over the state of Colorado (including Teller County) and the nation, have discovered yet another “method” to acquire more power and more money. They go into an already-established homeowners association (HOA)/common interest development (CID) and buy up as many pieces of property as they need to take control of the housing development. Then they do whatever they want to do with it and the home/property owners of that housing development–ecologically and financially. That is, they become its resident dictators.

The developer in the following articles operates in Arizona, but developer shenanigans like his are apparently not unusual in today’s housing world. In fact, many developers appear to have refined their takeover tactics to a fine art in order to appear blameless in their wannabe dictator aspirations. For example, they may only buy one or two pieces of property in an already established HOA/CID. But then they find a “cooperative” real estate agent or agency to work with them (or they may already be aware of wannabe -dictator sycophants inside and/or outside the local area) to find buyers for property/homes in their HOAs/CIDs to “salt”their HOAs/CIDs with enough “membership” votes to guarantee approval of whatever the developer wants to do in it.

For example, let’s say that the developer wants to turn the HOA/CID  hes got his eye on –or already owns property in –into some sort of money -making scheme, either openly or clandestinely. The first thing he will do is to make sure he has enough power-and-money-seeking sycophants at his disposal within the HOA/CID. He then, once he owns property in the HOA/CID , will usually get himself elected to the HOA/CID board of directors–by hook or crook –and calls for a vote ( for whatever he wants) at the HOA annual meeting. What he wants gets immediate approval from his sycophants who control the vote and he can begin to implement whatever power-seeking-and- money-making scheme (legal or illegal) he desires.

Warning, if you live in a homeowners association in Colorado, you are vulnerable to any dictatorial scheme your HOA board and your board’s HOA lawyer might try to think up.




I found this article homeowners groups and dictatorship interesting, just change homeowners groups to “POA” and change developer to “POA dictators” that include their board members.



About DruidHillsHOA

I'm Diana Foraci, a resident of the Druid Hills located in Florissant Colorado. I'm the owner of this site, representing the Druid Hills HomeOwners Association which represents this community in Good Faith, with Honor and Integrity.

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