Druid Hills HOA Meeting 2019
DruidHillsHOA July 31, 2019 Druid Hills HOA Newsletters, Meetings leave a comment
HOA MEETING July 31, 2019 10:15AM TO 11:20AM
Contact Diana Foraci
Email: info@aboutdruidhillshoa.com
Websites: www.aboutdruidhillshoa.com
Speakers at HOA Meeting:
Declarant Member Diana Foraci
Guests: Two Druid Hills Homeowners
HOA Meeting Place: Florissant business to discuss issues concerning the co-existence here in the Druid Hills Subdivision with the Druid Hills POA.
Homeowners: Residents of Druid Hills, spoke about living in the Druid Hills, since the 70’s and how they have received letters from the POA to pay assessments, one homeowner never paid, the other homeowner had a lien and paid ‘out of protest’. Forced to pay, the homeowner found the whole thing a form of bullying. Since they live in Filing 2, they opted out of the whole covenants. Filing 2 ‘voted out’ (23 for) filed their majority vote in June 2001. The POA filed theirs in July using multiple votes for the same people, but their vote was only (16 against). The constant intimidation by the POA persists even today.
Diana Foraci: ‘the POA has ignored the ‘opt out’ of Filing 2 and has included Filing 2 in their protective covenants to govern all who live in the Druid Hills. The problem is people do not take the time to find out what really happened, I do and I spread the word-truth as best as I can.
Homeowner: contacted me saying, “I was part of the board in 2001. The reason I refused to sign the new covenants is that I witnessed their dishonesty in gathering votes. Especially Bob Wenseritt having 1 lot, not three”.
Diana Foraci: bought up concerns about the injustice concerning the hearing no vindication, what was not said, and what Pettifogger attorneys did not file before the court. I mentioned if the judge would have ruled in my favor that would have caused an up rising in this subdivision. Resulting with lawsuits from those who can afford to sue.
Homeowner: at the meeting said’ the homeowners already have done that’ up-rise!
Other questions addressed, as to the legality of the POA, are they defrauding people through the mail for dues this is racketeering in my opinion. By the way, they are a voluntary association- meaning you have a choice, but who in their right mind would follow a dishonest group.
Diana Foraci: David Rusterholtz insists they are mandatory as he stated in the Courier 11-4-15 ‘Ours is a mandatory POA set by the developer in the original 1971 covenants.” Rusterholtz has no idea, twisting the truth, in order to be mandatory 100% participation must be agreed upon by the homeowners to do that, this never happened in our subdivision.
Diana also stated that a small group of people has tried to tell us what to do since the beginning, in my opinion they are nothing less than dictators and tyrants, wanting to rule us all through threats, and bullying. It is a shame that good people have to endure this kind of treatment, the POA needs to be stopped, you are welcome to sign my signature page, we are only strong if we band together.
An article in the Mountain Jackpot was interesting, as David Rusterholtz went to the memorial of Elliott Robbins on July 4th at Costello’s Coffee House he proceeded to hand out and talk about his campaign for Commissioner, that was in my opinion very inappropriate and not the thing to do, how disrespectful.
Questions were brought up about does the POA pay taxes for the money they collect through force and threats; does David Rusterholtz pay taxes on his rental cabins located on Obsidian Drive?
See Articles- the Courier:
July 31 ‘Clean Hands’ by Mike Winters.
August 14 ‘We Can Do Better, by Tom Adams
‘When Did Politics and Religion Join, by Mike Winters
Homeowner: When I was building a garage, the POA wanted the contractor to stop work on the garage, the homeowner spoke with the POA member over the phone and said ‘leave us alone’! The homeowner had the proper permit with Teller County so all was a go and the contractor proceeded to finish their garage.
Diana Foraci commented ‘that’s good’ thinking if it was a woman or anybody else the outcome may of ended differently.
Homeowner: brought up the word ‘prejudice’
Diana Foraci: they are sure that way with me and single out woman to harass in our subdivision to show their superiority. I guess the POA figures a woman will not punch them out, as bullies deserve!
Homeowner: Smiled
Diana Foraci: I remember before I put up my fence, Charles Cushenberry came up one Saturday morning, yelling ‘that’s illegal’ pointing to my log chicken coop. I escorted him off my property rather hurriedly. Saying’ get off my property’.
Diana mentioned that she wrote articles in the Courier Newspaper about David Rusterholtz running for commissioner; she was strongly against his running for that office.
Homeowners: I will not vote for him, when is the election?
Diana Foraci: 2020.
Homeowner: Had fears about the POA and what they might do against people that do not pay dues. Concerning a lien, would this cause possession of our property. Would they try to foreclose on people’s properties, it has been said they want to do just that.
Diana Foraci: I just read in the Courier dated July 31 that a homeowners association is foreclosing on a property for assessments not paid, with help of the Sheriff Mikesell.
On another issue, I talked with the DA’s office and they said, first the police need to say it is a crime then the DA will prosecute, the problem is the police say everything is a Civil Matter so the DA will not prosecute. This reminds me of shifting the responsibility where no body wants to be responsible or make waves. What kind of justice is that? The county over rules the associations, but the associations are allowed to rule, as they want, taking our freedoms as property owners away, left to fight our battles in court. Moreover, we know from my recent experience with the hearing to remove the spurious lien, how the good old boys handled that. What they did not expect was I APPEALED to a higher court that does not care about whom rather the State Appellate Court follows the LAW.
We have rights we need to band together our community has been deceived, the POA has no Protective Covenants’ in effect with our sub division. If you need support or proof just look at the VOTES for 2001 Declaration of Covenants-, I have posted on my website: aboutdruidhillshoa.com and see for yourself, I am supporting our community.
Expenses: coffee, drinks and food $15.00 covered by homeowner and a generous donation was given for the APPEAL costs.
HOA Meeting adjourned 11:20 am
Diana Foraci