Home / Druid Hills HOA Newsletters / POA COVER-UP AND MISCONDUCT


POA COVER-UP AND MISCONDUCT, the most blatant efforts of corruption are violating Covenant Law. The POA is obstructing HOA Rules and Regulations. The POA believes they are above the law, gaining recognition and personal enrichment by covering up wrongdoing in our community. Where certain officials coerced to their side by donations from dues demanded by the POA, totally free from accountability as to where those dues have gone since 1986.

The POA continues their wrongdoing using no vote from our community process and not fully disclosing their financial records. This small group of board members is unanimously voting to gain power over our community.  The homeowners that refuse to join them, are forced to join. The objective everyone on board by dishonest tactics governing us taking away our freedom, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Throwing things into confusion, making it facially permissive where corruption is allowed. Do we tolerate this behavior or do we do something to stop it is the question?


Alexander Hamilton quoted, “pursue own interest, own political or personal gain, misconduct in their actions, practiced in the art of deception”. Hit the nail on the head. Are they corruptively gaining the support from officials they intend to coerce with?

David Rusterholtz commented in a video in November 2019 calling those complaining to the county in his own community Needy! The Druid  Hills Homeowners are NEEDY.  Not very appropriate to call people needy, that he hopes to support him in his campaign running for County Commissioner.

Who is the President of the POA? What manner of mankind is David Rusterholtz that is running for commissioner? Securing his personal reward by distinguishing the rights of the community. As he corruptively gains support from officials he intends to coerce with in the future.

A need for greater accountability, not a failure to have a modern standard of fairness, using circumstantial evidence as law, not using hard evidence that the POA ignored in court. Judge Sells went along with the whole scheme of things, being non-impartial, biased and confused.

The POA fraudulent and corruption established under circumstantial evidence to continue their wrongdoing is not securing liberty in our laws to protect people from corruption.

In all fairness equal justice under law, giving victory to the POA as a circumstantial evidence case where the judge limited things that made my hearing one-sided non-impartial in favor of the defendants the POA.

Under the law, in court, each party should have equal justice, impartial justice allowed to present all evidence so the judge can deliberate on all findings in a non-prejudice manner of the legal process.

According to my attorneys the Moller Law Group, after my hearing on March 21, this was not the case they deliberately lost my case practicing law below standards by not representing me properly. The judge did not allow the vote records when I asked what happened to exhibit 14 the votes proving the POA did not have the majority vote to supersede our original covenants of 1971.

To conclude, their misconduct continues to this day, threatening people with spurious liens if they do not join the voluntary association the POA and pay dues to a rogue association. Please feel free to comment.

POA Cover-Up.


Diana Foraci



About DruidHillsHOA

I'm Diana Foraci, a resident of the Druid Hills located in Florissant Colorado. I'm the owner of this site, representing the Druid Hills HomeOwners Association which represents this community in Good Faith, with Honor and Integrity.

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