CORONAVIRUS a group of viruses that resemble myxoviruses and include some causing respiratory symptoms in humans. Infected Swine and other animals can transfer the virus to humans. A reliable Coronavirus Vaccine is available for Canines.
S. SANITIZE hands often use Lysol or alcohol on surfaces
A. AIRBORNE virus spreads in the air stay 6 feet apart
F. FACE PROTECTION use masks and protective eyewear
E . EXPOSURE Fomites harbor the virus wash hands frequently
PPE-personal protective equipment
FOMITES-foreign objects- surface viruses land on
ZOONOSIS a disease communicable from animals to humans under natural conditions
CORONAVIRUS a group of viruses that resemble myxoviruses and include some causing respiratory symptoms in humans. Infected Swine can transfer the virus to humans. A Corpnavirus Vaccine is available for Canines.
Wear Masks to protect us and others from the Coronavirus and wear them properly.
The proper way to wear Masks is the straps should fit high on the back of the head, not resting on the neck and surgical masks have straps that fit over the ears.
Adjusting the mask straps and the noseband prevents gaps where outside air can penetrate inside the area of the nose and mouth. Pinch the noseband at the bridge of the nose secures a snug fit as the mask covers the face.
Should we all be wearing masks, eyewear, and ointment to prevent infectious particles from entering the nose? Yes!
Professionals in the medical field doctors specializing in infectious disease, they conclude wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) in controlling epidemics is essential to stop the spread of disease.
Protective Masks protect us from the infected that cough, sneeze, talk and even breathe/exhale, around us. Are asymptomatic still infectious not knowing they are infected by the virus.
Droplets land on something like fomites their lifespan can be hours maybe longer. Infectious viruses found on stainless steel stay virulent for 9 hours, these surfaces known as Fomites. Fomites contaminated with infectious organisms serve in their transmission. Transmission from fomites doorknobs, grocery carts, sink handles, paper money, clothing anything contaminated, virulently transferred from human to human.
Masks protect yourself and others from transferring the disease, carriers of the virus are asymptomatic the symptoms are not present. To simplify, protect yourself from others and protect others from yourself in contracting the Coronavirus. The issue with eyewear, should I wear protective glasses? The professionals say the virus can enter our bodies through the eyes as virulent particles become airborne.
Viral particles are invisible to the naked eye only visually seen by the use of the electron microscope EM. The light or compound microscope magnified 40 x visualizes microorganisms, bacteria, bacterium, 100 x using emersion oil for clarity of viewing the bacteria.
Protective ointment, such as Mupirocin 2% is very effective in controlling unknowns from entering the nose. Used by applying a small amount to a Q-Tip and encircle or swab the outer rim of the nose where the nose hairs entrap foreign particles in the air. Ask your doctors if this kind of ointment will protect from viral particles.
Why wash hands?
Viruses contaminated by anything we touch that previously were infected by someone that is infected with the virus. These objects infected by viruses called Fomites or foreign bodies can contain droplets or virus particles. Once exposed to the virus by touching something infected, the virus easily transfers to us when we touch our face, nose or rub our eyes, contaminating ourselves with the virus unknowingly.
Can the virus be spread on paper money? Depends on what the professionals say, many hands touch money; therefore, I have sprayed bills with Lysol and used an anti-septic alcohol-based solution on my hands. When handling packages, cardboard, that has been handled by others. Not sure, about the mail but I sparingly use hand sanitizer before handling the mail and wash my hands directly after. My way of protecting myself from a virus not seen but is dangerously harmful.