Druid Hills HOA attacked, again I found the Druid Hills POA has taken my name DruidHillsHOA as their Domain- DruidHillsHOA.com. Whereas, I consider this willful infringement
What is willful infringement?
Infringement or active inducement of infringement is willful when it is done deliberately and intentionally, and with knowledge of the property and name of another business.
Druid Hills POA agenda To have total control over their neighborhood. Meaning They says what you can do on your own property, They are a voluntary association just like the Druid Hills HOA. “You are invited to join”. The POA are not mandatory and have no right to collect assessment, put liens or foreclose on your property. Druid Hills Subdivision, not a planned community. On the other hand, we most certainly do not have 100 condo’s here in the Druid Hills Subdivision. The POA President stated this on DORA.
Druid Hills HOA Attacked
I am not a member to this rogue association Druid Hills POA and their Declaration of Covenants 2001 did not get enough votes to pass. Recorded with Teller County Clerk & Recorder . The Article of Incorporation did not get a single vote to form. Therefore,”No vote but formed anyway” as the former Founder and President Cecil Stambaugh said in his Affidavit when he was of sound mind in 2002. They violated our developers Covenants by not having the majority vote to form.
Ref (2): 7-134-301. Grounds for judicial dissolution.
(1) A nonprofit corporation may be dissolved in a proceeding by the attorney general if
it is established that:
(a) The nonprofit corporation obtained its articles of incorporation through fraud; or
(b) The nonprofit corporation has continued to exceed or abuse the authority conferred upon it by law. We are not a planned community, meaning not part of the CCIOA .