Home / Druid Hills Wildlife

Druid Hills Wildlife


Wildlife in the Druid Hills Subdivision

These animals are amazing, please keep them safe.  Excess debree can cause broken ankles if they are running through the woods. They have their own pathways, that from time to time need clearing of dead branches.  They raise their young in these woods and the fawns need a place to hide while mom is away forging. Juniper bushes make good hiding spots. The deer seem to sense when danger is near such as mountain lions, because the deer disappear from our area when they feel threatened.

If you have a mistletoe toe problem and cut the branches off the tree, the deer love to eat the mistletoe off these branches as well as the trunks if they can reach the out shoots that look like plump cedar twigs that deform the tree in growth.


Dwarf Mistletoe: Parasitic Plants. … Dwarf mistletoes are parasites of native conifer forests that can cause severe damage. These plants tend to confine their attacks to one species of tree, with only occasional attacks on other species.


American Bird Conservancy

American Bird Conservancy is one of the most helpful organizations I have come across with information on different bird species, their habitat, and where to find them. Please help support their cause that helps us all achieving conservation. HUMMINGBIRD JOIN AMERICAN BIRD CONSERVANCY For more than 25 years, American Bird Conservancy …

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DHHOA Meeting 2022

Druid Hills Home Owners Association Meeting 2018

DHHOA Meeting 2022 held at a local coffee shop in Florissant Thursday April 28. Where two former residents of the Druid Hills Subdivision got together for a meeting concerning old business . Seems a particular homeowner had sent emails out to everyone in the county. Slandering me and complaining about …

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Wolves at Risk

Representative image ( jimcumming88/Adobe Stock) Wolves at risk, these majestic animals deserve better life expectancy than they are getting. From people who cannot tolerate these animals or live in coexistence with them. It’s more than not understanding these animals. It’s deliberate ignorance for living creatures to exist. They have every …

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