Home / Druid Hills HOA Newsletters / NEWSLETTER 2017


DHHOA  Newsletter 2017



May  8, 2017

Newsletter 2017 The WOODEN front entrance sign was covered up by the POA’s fiber board sign without permission nor did they mention OR care about the fact that within that same time the back WOODEN sign was torn down landed in the road was on the ground, as if the one post was pulled down by a vehicle.

I have written a ‘letter of intent’ to David Rusterholtz that I would be getting the front sign that they covered up, for restoration.  David Rusterholtz has lied to the police saying the POA purchased the original wooden signs. Truth is the original wooden signs were purchased by the Developer Ken Barber in 1970/1971 and both front and back entrance signs have been maintained by DIANA FORACI (me) for the past 31 years. The POA lied in some of their newsletters and stated dues were used to maintain the roads and the entrance signs in our subdivision.

David Rusterholtz has resided on Lot 52 as of Oct. 5, 2011 as grantee, grantor was Renee Miller. That means David has been in this subdivision six years. He made it perfectly clear that he belongs to another ‘association’ in Denver, and he has a high priced attorney that has aided him in trying to change the rules here in our subdivision, with policies, by-laws and whatever else to rule us all.

David needs to do his homework about the history of our subdivision and stop stating untruths about people in this subdivision. A new neighbor has told me the POA possibly the President at that time has slandered my character by calling me names, won’t even repeat what names they are saying, but it is cruel and childish for the POA to spread rumors that cause harm to others.   The way they see it is, this subdivision should be a wonderful place to live, and it would be if there was not a DHPOA trying to rule us, patrol the neighborhood and bring neighbor against neighbor. Enough is enough.

David Rusterholtz was turned into the county by someone to bury the propane gas lines he had laying above ground that was a hazard if lightening would of struck the ground, big explosion could of occurred and a fire.  Not very smart David and you work as manager of a gas company or did, which is it? Thanks to whomever, that notified the authorities.



Druid Hills Home Owners Association


About DruidHillsHOA

I'm Diana Foraci, a resident of the Druid Hills located in Florissant Colorado. I'm the owner of this site, representing the Druid Hills HomeOwners Association which represents this community in Good Faith, with Honor and Integrity.

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