Druid Hills Wildlife
Wildlife In The Druid Hills Subdivision
Druid Hills Wildlife in our subdivision, we saw a young Grizzly Bear roaming his 100 square mile territory. This sightings was a once in a lifetime opportunity I never saw him again. I remember his teddy bear ears, long muscular body, his shoulders were massive with a hump along his backside. He had huge claws, his fur was light in color on his back, not uniform it looked course in texture.
Descriptive Information-National Geographic
Scientific Name: Ursus arctos horribilis
Type: Mammals
Diet: Omnivores
Average life span in The Wild: 25 years
Size: 5 to 8 ft
Weight: 800 lbs
Size relative to a 6-ft man:
Other Druid Hills Wildlife
In our subdivision I’ve seen Mountain Lion tracks, could hear screams in the distance but never saw one. We also have Brown Bear very well fed with a round body structure and short stocky legs.
Other animals down the food chain are deer, often seen in Colorado forests, mountains, and rural areas. Beautiful, White-tailed Mule Deer in mountain regions seen in herds or small groups. Some time ago, 20 Bucks roamed our subdivision, now they are fewer. Only seen in a small group of three, sometimes with their females and fawns and they always have one or two stand guard.
In addition, we have an occasional a rare fox sighting run through this subdivision always alone. I noticed a red fox, black fox, and a silver colored fox with a white tail on separate occasions while looking out my kitchen window seeing these beautiful mammals.
Another mammal rarely seen is the Coyote that once roamed our subdivision in pairs are gone. On a rare occasion I have seen a Black Wolf that had taken the high ground while I walked the road in our subdivision. He or she was gone from my sight after awhile, seemed to not want to bother anybody in our subdivision, as to say, just passing through human.
Smaller Mammals
Druid Hills Wildlife in our subdivision of the smaller variety are, a flock of Wild Turkeys came through one day must of been 25 in number, I have pictures what an awesome sight. There are several varieties of squirrel, their colors are, brown, black A-bear, grey A-Bear with white tipped tail, grey squirrel with white chest and white tipped tail seen in our subdivision.
Even smaller mammals seen in our subdivision, such as, the ground squirrel or prairie dog, Chipmunks, and field mice inhabit our subdivision. When we had ponds in front, we had Mallard Ducks, Canadian Geese, Red Winged Blackbirds, Rocky Mountain Bluebirds, and many others, now gone from the area or rarely seen.
Rarely seen are Morning Doves, not as abundant as they once were, we have Blue jays, Magpies, Crows and Ravens. Smaller birds I have had the privilege to see are Chickadees, Swallows, Wood Peckers, Flickers, Robins and Hummingbirds-Ruby Throat ed, Rufus, and Rocky Mountain Bluebird among others.
When humans respect the wildness of these animals, we can enjoy each other’s company with little negative impacts.