Home / Druid Hills HOA Newsletters / NEWSLETTER 2020



                                                                                               March 15, 2020

Dear Homeowner

NEWSLETTER 2020, I am asking you to support our subdivision by coming together against the DHPOA misconduct, deceit and dishonesty that has gone on far too long, help dissolve this group from any further harm on homeowners that live in the Druid Hills Subdivision by signing a signature page to disband the DHPOA.

A simple majority of people against a group POA committed to govern our lives with policies, by-laws, and liens, operating without a vote from homeowners just this POA group votes to call their vote unanimous not operating in good faith. Threatening homeowners to join their corrupt organization, or get a lien on their properties for non-payment of dues while others that do not pay assessments do not have a lien, or exchange favors ‘this for that’ do not pay dues. As you sit back and wait, do nothing more liens are under discussion by the DHPOA.


Unfortunately, this group is threatening homeowners that oppose them using them as a scare tactic causing others to join and pay the DHPOA against their will or out of fear of retaliation from the group. Recently, this group announced they want to take concealed weapons classes, possibly to trespass on people’s properties to look for covenant violations and charge assessments for those violations, seems militant because we do not want this group having the advantage to shoot us on our property, trespassing is against the law.


  • A group tried to form an association but did not get a single vote to do this, but formed anyway.  See Teller County Clerk and Recorder Reception # 723312  Affidavit
  • This group violated our covenants by not having the needed majority vote to form.   See Reception # 210614 Paragraph 7
  • The DHPOA sent a letter out in 1986 lying to everyone stating they had the approval to form from the majority.


  • DHPOA suspended in 1997 and dissolved 1998-2002   See reception # 723312
  • DHPOA violated our covenants by passing their covenants while dissolved as a non-profit deemed an unincorporated organization.  Moreover, not having the majority vote to pass. See reception # 723313
  • DHPOA attempt to rewrite our covenants in 2001 with invalid votes filed with the Clerk and Recorder on June 29, 2001.
  • DHPOA “administratively dissolved” three times with the Secretary of State as an association, not “in good standing.”
    • “Even a validly enacted, substantively sound covenant is nonetheless unenforceable if the POA’s enforcement is procedural improper, or is conducted inconsistently for an inappropriate purpose. In general, a board’s exercise of its enforcement powers must have “procedural, fair and reasonable,” and its decisions made “in good faith …reasonable and not arbitrary and capricious.” 


READ                     READ                           READ


  • DHPOA refuses to accept they are not in authority to govern us or put spurious liens on our properties with the support of Judge Sells who refused to listen to what the plaintiffs counsel or anybody had to say against the DHPOA.
  • Judge Sells showed bias he favored the DHPOA.
  • Unbeknownst to me the judge limited things at my hearing and did not allow the vote that was important to my case concerning the spurious lien, their formation in 1985 and their invalid covenants in 2001.
  • President David Rusterholtz filed with DORA we have 100 condominiums here in our subdivision, another lie from the DHPOA. Truth is we have 82 private residential in Filing NO. 1.
  • While you own your home, the DHPOA is claiming they own the neighborhood in which your home lives… and all you hold dear.
  •  49 homeowners moved out of the DH within 3 years since David Rusterholtz came on board and had his attorney Mr. Payne adopt nine policies, 21 PAGES  By-laws and David Colt Simmons, now County Assessor, signed the nine liens against homeowners for non-payment of dues.


The term ‘pettifogger’ in my opinion relates to my attorney’s, that did not represent me properly below standards, my evidence was not submitted to the court to help my case, so I would lose at the hearing to remove the spurious lien in turn validating the DHPOA.


Therefore, I filed my evidence with Teller County Clerk and Recorder as a friendly reminder of the truth

Votes               Reception # 723313

Lien                  Reception # 723311

Affidavit           Reception # 723312


Cecil Stambaugh disapproved of the rewrite of our covenants resulted in resigning as President of this DHPOA in 2000 and later wrote the Affidavit in 2002 stating that when this group formed in 1985 they had “no vote but formed anyway.”  He was of sound mind when he handed me the Affidavit. My attorneys knew his memory was foggy, did not say anything to me and did not object at the hearing when the defendant’s attorney was badgering him about documents not before him. After all it was 18 years since Cecil left our subdivision and his wife Lucy handled all the paperwork/documents as Treasurer.


Furthermore, your vote to support us would keep our subdivision from further misconceptions, by signing the “signature page” to disband the DHPOA, I have already filed the “Article of Dissolution” with signatures with the Clerk and Recorder on 4-29-2019 Reception #715344 and I am gathering more signatures at present, The Secretary of State will just file these documents. The group states they govern our properties, want to raise the dues to $1500.00 make our subdivision a gated community? We can never let this happen.

Druid Hills Homeowners Association -DHHOA



NEWSLETTER 2020 | Druid Hills HOA Florissant Colorado

About DruidHillsHOA

I'm Diana Foraci, a resident of the Druid Hills located in Florissant Colorado. I'm the owner of this site, representing the Druid Hills HomeOwners Association which represents this community in Good Faith, with Honor and Integrity.

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